Abandoned Prosperity

America, for all its supposed wealth and prosperity, has many abandoned places. From natural disasters, to foreclosures, to budget cuts, to rebuilding; I've seen quite a few in my short life-time. All across this vast country people are homeless, when there are many buildings and places that could be "repurposed" to house them. This blog is all about the places I've lived and explored, over the past 50 years. It also involves other things of interest to me, which will become apparent as I continue along. Most places and events I can only remember and have no photographs of them. Currently, I'm active in exploring the current state I live in, Tennessee, when time permits me to do so. Follow along in my foot-steps as I clambour over and sometimes into the abandoned debris of our society...from junkyards to cellars to my own mind.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Friday Sunrise

Who says Friday the 13th has to be a bad omen? I mean, it was for the Knights Templar but...that was centuries ago. This past Friday the 13th of July, 2018 was anything but a bad day. It started off with a fantastic sunrise! Below are two shots I captured after pulling over off Shipe Rd., here in Mascot, TN. Hence the title of "Shipe-rise".

After a quick, early morning errand, I returned home and took a couple of clouded sunrise shots. I'm a sucker for cloud shots, especially when they have the Sun's rays beaming through them. I took these about 16 minutes after the Shipe-rise pics...

...the rest of the day went off without a hitch, so to speak. Had a lunch date with some new friends and was able to get more things accomplished at my new home. All-in-all, a good, rewarding day. Phooey on superstitions! 

NOTE: all photos in this post were taken by me and are completely un-edited. No use without permission.